Viiteri BibTex Reference Management Tool

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This is a management tool for BibTex format references. You can currently submit article, book and inproceedings type references, search stored references and get their BibTex format versions. There are 14 entry types in the BibTex format and we recommend getting acquainted with them first if you are yet unfamiliar with BibTex.

On the current Submit page you can save a reference to the system, and then click on Search to search the stored references or Raw BibTex for raw BibTex format of all the references. Authors are separated in the BibTex format with the word "and". You can search for references containing either keyword by utilizing comma like so: keyword1, keyword2, or both by adding & before the second keyword like so: keyword1, &keyword2.

(The website is a group project as part of the University of Helsinki course Ohjelmistotuotanto, code TKT20006. The group in charge of this site is JEEOVI.)